these are the puppies that got me preoccupied last december. of six that were born, these 2 were the only ones that survived till now. the brown one is a female and the other, smaller one, white, is a male. he was the one i thought i also lost but found him pressed against the storeroom's wall and a plate of glass. he is weaker since his sister pup is able to get more milk from chelsea, their mom. but he's a tough guy.
their eyes are opened now and they look around inside the storeroom. trying to be aware of their surroundings. both are very mobile. in a few weeks, they'd be able to get out of that cramped place and explore the "world" outside. they'd be real dogs soon.
in a way, they'd be doing precisely the opposite of what the Sages of old wants us to do. these Masters taught that to know the Self more, the Real us, we must go to our "world" inside. so we must close our "outer eyes" and let the "inner eyes" lead us to find that Divine Spark within us all. Know the True Self. right now, we are preoccupied with the trappings of the material, outside world, which make us, of course, happy. yet, the happiness, the joy, is incomplete. we are still left wanting. man's lot is to be eternally happy. and it is his paramount mission to seek where he will find this. Old Sages say, that which you seek, is within you ...
they laid there, the puppies, crumpled on the floor
a brown mass and a white mass
their shaking hearts hoping this cold morn would soon pass;
and i, on my solid bed
wrapped in cozy blankets warm
unmindful of their chilly plight
assured that these newborn are far from harm;
from what i knew the only problem lies
on the children playful
who with giggling fingers poke them --
o, how i wished they'd be quite careful!
this cold morn is just Nature's way
of telling them they're alive
and so, ever must they strive
to live.
Namaste my brother, good to see the two survivors doing so well.
In Lak' esh, brother Sito, loving health...
oh yes, my brother, i'm glad i was able to help them in their early struggles with Life ...
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