"some experiences when they come back to you, you see them on a different light, you have this strong urge to share with others, there is this strange feeling they might effect the quality of their days .. and so you are compelled to write, record these random thoughts ... it was henry david thoreau who wrote that " to effect the quality of day is the highest of all arts .. "
Beloved Brother Chris
I am sorry I have to remove the kind words you have written. permit me to keep them only in my heart. Such words have made me ecstatic but I fear that these might feed my Ego self and bloat it. I do hope can measure up to your kind words. We have both been in Silence for some time now but I am assured there is a good reason for this.
I am glad to know you are well and at peace.
Namaste brother, I expect nothing less from you. It gives me peace to expose my inner feelings. As well, I wished to instill within you the value I feel your writing contributes to my life, as well, the lives of so many others. When blessed with such gifts brother, there comes a responsibility to re-gift to our brethren.
In Lak' ech, prosper with love... live to give...
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