Tuesday, January 31, 2012


this leafdropper got ill. for several days now he is experiencing some inconveniences.  perhaps, the rust of age is creeping in.

it does not matter though. i still consider this period of inconvenience as a blessing.  one time as i lied on the bed trying to relax this body and be free of pain, my mind suddenly focused itself on what's happening and one word kept hovering in my mind's eye -- impermanence.

yes, these days of body struggle made me realize again the impermanence of things including health.  during these times, i tried to use all of the practices i learned to resolve body inconveniences and i must admit it was very difficult.  the discomforts keeps getting in the way of the mind to try to get settled and command the body to rest.  i then remembered the Old Sages' and Masters' admonishments that the time to do self-inquiry and self-knowledge should be during one' healthy times, not when one is already distracted by discomforts.  this is a lesson that really most of us need to remember.

in fact, i believe, this is really what we need to always do.  if one is desiring to be a poet, a writer, a painter, a musician, a photographer, a blogger, .. one should embark on this immediately while one is fit to do it.  time is not on our side and we cannot stop things from being impermanent.

this leafdropper is ill now but he is willing himself to be whole again.  impermanence allows comforts to become discomforts but it will also allow discomforts to become comforts again.

every time i turn my head
all i can see are changes
none remains just as before
every thing is less or more

but, only You are True
only You are unchanging
only Your Love is real
only Your Love is unbending
won't You give me Your Love
give me Your Heart
and let this weary mind rest in You.

this summer flower that gently bloomed
will lose its hues and kiss the ground
this bird that sings fond melodies
will soon be silent lose its sound

for, only You are True
only You are unchanging
only Your Love is real
only Your Love is unbending
won't You give me Your Love
give me Your Heart
and let this weary mind rest in You.


Bani said...

indeed! 'Time is the only thing that is constant!' :P

sito saguid said...

thanks for visiting, bani.